Section 7-Students
Oak Grove Board Policy
The Oak Grove School District #68 utilizes board policies to provide guidance and oversight to itself, administration, staff, and community. The Board Policy manual is a large collection of policies, administrative procedures, and exhibits that assist in the smooth operation of the school district. The Board of Education utilizes the IASB Press Plus subscription to assist in keeping up to date with current laws and policy. Although every effort will be made to have the up to date policy referenced on this page, anyone inquiring about a specific policy should contact the District office to ensure the referenced policy is up to date. If you should have any question regarding School District Policy, please contact, Dr. Loren Baele at or 309-697-3367.
Board Policy Manual Section Seven - Students
Philosophy and Goals
7:10 - Equal Educational Opportunities
7:15 - Student and Family Privacy Rights
7:20 - Harassment of Students Prohibited
Assignment and Admission
7:30 - Student Assignment
7:40 - Nonpublic School Students, Including Parochial and Home-Schooled Students
7:50 - School Admissions and Student Transfers To and From Non-District Schools
7:60 - Residence
7:70 - Attendance and Truancy
7:80 - Release Time for Religious Instruction/Observance
7:90 - Release During School Hours
7:100 - Health, Eye, and Dental Examinations; Immunizations; and Exclusion of Students
Rights and Responsibilities
7:130 - Student Rights and Responsibilities
7:140 - Search and Seizure
7:150 - Agency and Police Interviews
7:160 - Student Appearance
7:170 - Vandalism
7:180 - Prevention of and Response to Bullying, Intimidation, and Harassment
7:185 - Teen Dating Violence Prohibited
7:190 - Student Behavior
7:200 - Suspension Procedures
7:210 - Expulsion Procedures
7:220 - Bus Conduct
7:230 - Misconduct by Students with Disabilities
7:240 - Conduct Code for Participants in Extracurricular Activities
Welfare Services
7:250 - Student Support Services
7:260 - Exemption from Physical Education
7:270 - Administering Medicines to Students
7:275 - Orders to Forgo Life-Sustaining Treatment
7:280 - Communicable and Chronic Infectious Disease
7:285 - Food Allergy Management Program
7:290 - Suicide and Depression Awareness and Prevention
7:300 - Extracurricular Athletics
7:305 - Student Athlete Concussions and Head Injuries
7:310 - Restrictions on Publications; Elementary Schools
7:325 - Student Fundraising Activities
7:340 - Student Records