Hello from Oak Grove School. As stated in our mission, we continue to strive for technology improvements within our district and community. Students and staff will always be faced with learning new technology skills in order to find success in their present and future endeavors. In order to support this concept, our district assesses and implements periodic technology upgrades and purchases
We utilize TeacherEase as our student database. It allows staff, parents and students to view in "real time" accurate student data (grades, attendance, contact information) in any location. As a district, TeacherEase has increased our efficiency and accuracy when it comes to completing all the responsibilities and tasks that a school environment demands.
Our most recent upgrade was the installation of fiber between our two schools. This allowed us to "downsize" our technological infrastructure, as we were previously needing two filters, servers, etc., one for each building, whereas now we need only one for district-wide function. With the fiber connection, we were able to connect to the internet via fiber itself, thus increasing our speed by almost 10 times! In addition to the fiber and component upgrades, all of our classrooms have had SMART Boards installed, along with document cameras.